Home Care Medical Products

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea is the Key

by len king on Dec 07, 2022

Sleep apnea not only seriously affects the quality of sleep, but also the immunity, cardiovascular health, and growth and development of children. Sometimes, it is also the culprit of refractory hypertension. For OSA patients, early diagnosis and treatment is the key.

Why do you snore?

When we breathe, airflow enters the trachea through the mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx, etc. In this process, any place that is not open may make the breathing sound.
If the upper airway where the nose, throat and pharynx are located becomes narrow, the airflow of breathing will be subject to relatively large resistance, and immediately afterwards, the airflow drives the soft tissue to vibrate and snore.

Types of snoring

  • Situation one
Long-term snoring, snoring is even and regular, almost every time you breathe.
It may be "simple snoring".
This kind of snoring can be improved by adjusting the lifestyle, such as sleeping on the side, exercising to lose weight, quitting smoking and drinking, regular work and rest, and keeping the nasal passages open.
Generally, sleeping on the side can quickly stop snoring, and when the person next to you can't stand the sound of snoring, hit him and make him turn sideways to be quiet for a while, which is actually the principle of using gravity to favor the soft tissue when the head is turned sideways to make a channel for breathing!
However, if snoring is accompanied by cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, people should be alert to the fact that the risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea increases with age or weight change.
  • Situation two
Snoring at night accompanied by brief pauses in breathing, daytime sleepiness, memory loss and other symptoms.
It may be "obstructive sleep apnea syndrome" (OSA for short).
OSA is closely related to the development of several systemic diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and may cause cognitive impairment in severe cases.

How to reduce snoring properly?

The main purpose of treating sleep apnea is to open the obstructed upper airway. Ventilator is the first line of treatment and a very important and effective treatment for moderate to severe patients.
When the upper airway is blocked, the ventilator can automatically sense that the airway is blocked, then the ventilator will take the initiative to increase the pressure and hold up the collapsed tissues by air pressure, and when the airway is clear, snoring and apnea will not occur naturally.

Smilecare Solution

Smilecare provides non-invasive ventilation for patients with obstructive sleep apnea or respiratory insufficiency and can be used in both hospital and home environments.

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